OGP Report No. 452
International Association of Oil & Gas Producers
Every company desires safe operations, but the
challenge is to translate this desire into action. Written
rules, standards and procedures while important and
necessary, are not enough. Companies must develop a
culture in which the value of safety is embedded in every
level of the workforce.
We define culture as the unwritten standards and norms
that shape mind-sets, attitudes and behaviours. A culture of safety starts with leadership, because
leadership drives culture and culture drives behaviour.
Leaders influence culture by setting expectations, building
structure, teaching others and demonstrating stewardship
A commitment to safety and operational integrity begins
with management. But management alone cannot drive the
entire culture.
For a culture of safety to flourish, it must be embedded
throughout the organisation.
(Tillerson, R., 2010)
Safety Leadership
According to T.R. Krause (2005), there are seven
key safety leadership characteristics and associated
behaviours that can influence Safety Culture:
- Credibility – what leaders say is consistent with what they do.
- Action orientation – leaders act to address unsafe conditions.
- Vision – leaders paint a picture for safety excellence within the organisation.
- Accountability – leaders ensure employees take accountability for safety-critical activities.
- Communication – the way leaders communicate about safety creates and maintains the Safety Culture of the organisation
- Collaboration – leaders who encourage active employee participation in resolving safety issues promote employee ownership of those issues.
- Feedback and recognition – recognition that is soon, certain and positive encourages safe behaviour.
Thank you in advance for your kind attention,
if any comment are welcome.
Andry Kurniawan, SKM.,MKKK.
"Coming together is a beginning, Keeping together is progress., Working together is success“ Safety not only about knowledge and how to manage risk it’s about needed because safety is everybody business",
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"Coming together is a beginning, Keeping together is progress., Working together is
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