Rabu, 25 Oktober 2017

Guide to preparing HSE plans and Bridging documents

This report is a supplement to IOGP 423, HSE management – guidelines for working together in a contract environment. It contains additional guidance to Report 423 on developing HSE plans and Bridging documents.

What is an HSE plan?
An HSE plan defines what should be in place during the life cycle of the contract and the steps required to be taken, by whom and by when in order to meet client and contractor requirements. 

The HSE plan is an important reference document for the contracting process and should form part of the agreement at award. It may be a standalone document or it may be incorporated in a broader contract plan. It is a document that resides within the activity/project contract management system documentation (which governs the activity and the contract), to demonstrate how the HSE management system should be implemented for the contracted scope of work.

An HSE plan demonstrates how:
  1. The contractor or subcontractor has an effective HSE-MS applicable to the specific work contracted appropriate to the complexity and the phase of the contract execution;
  2. Risks, impacts or threats related to occupational health and safety, environmental and social responsibility, process safety, quality and security associated with the contracted work have been identified, assessed and should be controlled by the implementation of control measures where and when required;
  3. The responsibilities for the execution and maintenance of all control and recovery measures relating to the contracted work are assigned to specific, named persons throughout the life cycle of the contract, and
  4. Risks have been evaluated and measures taken to eliminate or reduce the risks to an acceptable level that is As Low as Reasonably Practicable. 
For details you can download here.

Thank you in advance for your kind attention
if any comment are welcome & If you need details information don’t hesitate to call me.

Have a safe day's & keep working safely.
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Best Regards, 
Andry Kurniawan, SKM.,MKKK.
"Coming together is a beginning, Keeping together is progress., Working together is success“ Safety not only about knowledge and how to manage risk it’s about needed because safety is everybody business",
More info: Andryzsafety@gmail.com CP : (+62)812-1966-2291.
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